In my projects, I used the Atxmega128A3U microcontroller by Atmel. To do so and easier, I built a board with all ports connected to the exterior with a flat cable and power included in the board as well as a crystall to operate at different frequencies. This board has helped me greatly, and I connect all projects through it. The next picture shows the different parts and how the connectors are attached. Each one can have different distributions and they are also shown. To program and debug I usually use the AVR, Jtagice3 as a PDI interface (1Mhz), but I have used as well and without problem the AVRISP mkII and the AVR Dragon. If you are interested in buying one of these at 10€ including connectors boards without soldering parts, you can contact me at my email and I will send it to you. Ports and its pins' connections: Finally I sho...
Reading potentiometer position or angle with AS5600 board In this blog I will expose the way to read an angle or position (in my case wind direction) trhough the board AS5600-SO_EK_AB, bought from Digikey This is a fully mounted board, not equally as the picture, and I bought separatelly a magnet with a button which fits very well on top of the chip. If you turn the button, the value changes giving it a position. Link and picture of the button: This button includes the proper imant attached to the bottom of it. The connection to the microcontroller is done by a resistor divider and an analogue input. This divider is necessery because the voltage of its ouput is higher than de analogue input module. Pin B0 of the microcontroller mu...